August 2008
Sunday 17 August 2008
Sun 17 Aug, 10-11 am. Rhonda Weiss, 718-459-5073, ms.dtp@verizon.net. Dating 4 Marriage - [events]
Communication That Works Wonders - Teleclass for Marriage-Minded Singles:-- Join us Sunday Morning, August 17, 2008 at 10 AM (EST) -- To opt in, visit
www.4marriage: and fill out and submit the online Teleclass Quick Form on the bottom right of the home page ---Malka Schulman, Certified International Relational Coach. - will discuss how to communicate compassionately and show you how to: Enhance even a bankrupt relationship.
Are you convinced that open communication automatically improves the quality of your relationship? ---Well...it doesn't! ---Are you wondering what creates closeness and goodwill, while deepening feelings between two people? ---
Learn how to: *Feel as you communicate *Listen for the meaning behind the message *Assess how well your discussion is progressing *Know when and how not to talk! --
Join me, Malka Schulman, Certified International Relational Coach.
www.dating4marriage.com to opt in. You will receive a confirmation email with your dial-in information.
I'll personally answer your questions, and help you marry the RIGHT ONE!
P.S. Please tell me what you'd most like to hear about. Email your suggestions to mailto:
coach@dating4marriage.com -- Warmly, Malka.
Dating 4 Marriage
Concerned Help for Marriage-Minded Singles, Mentors, Matchmakers, Clergy, and Parents of Daters
(416) 781-9116 ---