

December 2008

Sunday 7 December 2008

The Stuff That Scares Men Away -- (Women's Dating Etiquette)

Sun 7 Dec, 10-11 am. Malka Schulman, (416) 781-9116, ms.dtp@verizon.net. free. Dating 4 Marriage - [dating4marriage][events]

Learn how to: Avoid engendering male Panic. --- Join Malka Schulman, Certified International Relational Coach, on this Sunday's teleclass. ---visit: www.4marriage. to opt-in

Want to make a good impression on the male you're with?

Then you need to respect and honor basic dating etiquette.

You require knowing the Do's and Don'ts for creating promising relationships.

Find out: What makes a guy uncomfortable enough to want to flee, and
What makes a guy want to emotionally invest in their courtship and sustain it.

But first... opt-in – visit: www.dating4marriage.com

Participate and I'll personally answer your questions, and help you marry the RIGHT ONE!

Fed up enough with spinning your wheels? Finally ready to do something about it...
Get coached to the Chuppah and Happily Beyond! Call Malka today! (416) 781-9116
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