

November 2008

Saturday 1 November 2008

Scarlett-Mitchell Nature Area Stewardship Workday

Sat 1 Nov, 10 am-1 pm. Scarlett-Mitchell Nature Area, Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266, nap@ci.ann-arbor.mi.us. Free. Natural Area Preservation Division - [a2gov][events]

If you have not yet helped with invasive woody plant removal in the city parks, here is your chance. It is fun to be outside and share the enthusiasm of other environmental enthusiasts. Great exercise too, as approaching winter tends to drive us all indoors. Meet in the Scarlett Middle School parking lot off Lorraine Street and please dress appropriately with long pants and closed-toe shoes. Minors must be accompanied by a guardian, or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form if you would like older children to participate on their own. We provide tools and refreshments.
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