

September 2009

Friday 18 September 2009

Rosh Hashana Adult/Teen Evening Service

Fri 18 Sep, 7:30 pm. Kahal B'raira, a Congregation for Humanistic Judaism warmly welcomes you to our High Holiday Services. All are welcome. No ticket needed (please arrive early). First Parish Unitarian Universalist Chur, 630 Mass Ave., Arlington, Arlington, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Donations accepted. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Rosh Hashana Adult/TeenEvening Service

Fri 18 Sep, 7:30 pm. Kahal B'raira, a Congregation for Humanistic Judaism warmly welcomes you to our High Holiday Services. All are welcome. No ticket needed (please arrive early). First Parish Unitarian Universalist Chur, 630 Mass Ave., Arlington, Arlington, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Donations accepted. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Saturday 19 September 2009

Rosh Hashana Family Morning Service

Sat 19 Sep, 10 am. Kahal B'raira, community of choice, rooted in tradition and focused on people. Kahal B'raira, a Congregation for Humanistic Judaism warmly welcomes you to our High Holiday Services. All are welcome. No ticket needed (please arrive early ). First Parish Unitarian Universalist Chur, 630 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Arlington, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Donations accepted. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Sunday 27 September 2009

Yom Kipppur Adult/Teen Kol Nidre Service

Sun 27 Sep, 7:30 pm. Kahal B'raira, community of choice, rooted in tradition and focused on people. Kahal B'raira, a Congregation for Humanistic Judaism warmly welcomes you to our High Holiday Services. All are welcome. No ticket needed (please arrive early ). First Parish Unitarian Universalist Chur, 630 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Arlington, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Donations accepted. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Monday 28 September 2009

Yom Kippur Family Morning Service

Mon 28 Sep, 10 am. Kahal B'raira, community of choice, rooted in tradition and focused on people. Kahal B'raira, a Congregation for Humanistic Judaism warmly welcomes you to our High Holiday Services. All are welcome. No ticket needed (please arrive early ). First Parish Unitarian Universalist Chur, 630 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Arlington, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Donations accepted. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

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