September 2009
Monday 14 September 2009
Mon 14 Sep to Thu 27 May 2010. our pre-professional program (8 to 18), and professional program(18-24) audition qualified students all year-round. please call (212) 690-2800, ext. 458 to schedule. Winter Session September 14, 2009 - May 27, 2010 Notification of acceptance will be mailed within one week. Arrive 30 minutes prior to the audition. Young ladies already on pointe bring both pointe and soft ballet shoes. No jewelry, skirts, or extra warmers. Hair should be neatly pulled back and secured. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]