
Maine Dances

Seacoast Ballroom

Maine: Augusta, Portland - United States

Ballroom - Dance

Sat 24 Oct 2009
2008 No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au SeOctober 2009No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se 2010

Maine Dances

Maine Dances Sat 10/24 Portsmouth Seacoast Bal


October 2009

Saturday 24 October 2009

Maine Dances

Sat 24 Oct. 95 Brewery Lane, Portsmouth Athletic Club, Portsmouth, 03801. Fred and Elizabeth Dunn, 603-502-3267, frednliz@gwi.net. Seacoast Ballroom - [events]

Maine Dances Maplewood, Warren Ave, Portland. Saturday October 24 , lesson in Foxtrot with Liz 7:30, Dance at 8:30 with DJ John, $12.
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