

February 2009

Sunday 8 February 2009

Oso Trail-Juaneno Trail Loop Hike

Sun 8 Feb, 10 am. Carlsbad, San Diego. Lew's cell (310) 770-7962, Ami's cell (310) 926-1344. Free. Jewish Hiking San Diego /Jewish Singles Hiking San Diego - [ http://jewishoutdooradventures][email][events]

Once again JOA meets up with the San Diego Jewish Singles Hiking Club for a hike in Orange County called the Oso Trail-Juaneno Trail Loop. Join us on JOA hike leaders will be Lew Groner and Ami Alon. hike is a beautiful 8.8 miles loop with 2200 elevation gain. Carpools will be coordinated among those who RSVP. We plan to meet for carpooling in LA and the Valley around 8:30, returning in the late afternoon or early evening, unless we go for dinner after the hike, in which case we will get home later. Two liters of water, lunch, snacks, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, hiking boots or shoes with good traction,daypack,long pants and long sleeved shirt or shorts and a T-shirt, depending on weather.s should be loose fitting,light-colors are preferable.
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