

April 2011

Saturday 9 April 2011

Santa Barbara Jewish Film Festival #6

Sat 9 Apr. 524 Chapala St, Santa Barbara, 93101. Shelly Katz, 805-957-1115 x111, skatz@sbjf.org. Bronfman Family JCC/Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara - [events]

The SBJFF's 4-day cultural festival showcases and celebrates the Jewish experience. It's a great way for all Jews to connect with their community and heritage. It's also a wonderful learning experience for those who don't know much about Jewish history and contemporary issues. Time: 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM Expected Attendance: 2,500 Location: Downtown Santa Barbara theater, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101, Phone: 805-964-5577 805-964-5577 , sbjfilm www. Contact: Barbara Greenleaf, Phone: 805-964-5577 805-964-5577 sbjfilm www.
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