

July 2010

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Kehillah of Chester County PajamaRama.

Tue 6 Jul, 6:30-7:30 pm. 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 19103. Andrea Adler Hershman, 215-832-0500, ahershman@philafederation.org. Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia - [events]

PajamaRama, a series of bedtime story hours presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Kehillah of Bux-Mont, will take place on eight Tuesday evenings during the summer beginning July 6 at area Barnes and Noble locations.

Children, ages 2 – 6, are invited to come to the programs wearing pajamas and slippers, to enjoy stories read by the rabbis and educators of Chester County congregations. Their favorite bedtime buddy (any stuffed animal or blanky) is welcome, too – as are parents and older siblings and friends! A bedtime snack of kosher milk and cookies will be served. This program is free and open to all.
06:30 PM to 07:30 PM
Expected Attendance: 30
Barnes and Noble - Valleyfair,
150 Swedesford Road,
Wayne, PA, 19333,
Phone: 610-695-6600
Shelley Rappaport,
Phone: 215-646-4500
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