

February 2011

Thursday 3 February 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Thu 3 Feb. February 3 Mississippi State Starkville, MS. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Monday 7 February 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Mon 7 Feb. February 7 Mattie Kelly Arts Center Niceville, FL. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Wed 9 Feb. February 9 Mary McLeod Bethune PAC Daytona Beach, FL. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Friday 11 February 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Fri 11 Feb. February 11 Miramar Center for the Performing Arts Miramar, FL. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Sunday 13 February 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Sun 13 Feb, 3 pm. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. 18. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

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