

March 2011

Thursday 3 March 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Thu 3 Mar. March 3 Popejoy Auditorium Albuquerque, NM. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Sunday 13 March 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Sun 13 Mar, 3 pm. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. 18. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Friday 25 March 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Fri 25 Mar. March 25 Lincoln Theater Washington, DC. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Saturday 26 March 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Sat 26 Mar. March 26 Grand Opera House Wilmington, DE. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Monday 28 March 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Mon 28 Mar. March 28 Burrus Hall Blacksburg, VA. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Wed 30 Mar. March 30 Peace Center Greenville, SC. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

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