January 2012
Thursday 26 January 2012
Thu 26 Jan, 6-9 pm. Whole Foods Montrose.e and Food even, 701 Waugh Drive, Houston TX 77019, Houston, 77071. vicky watkins, 713-294-9134, houjewishsingles@aol.com. $15.00. Houston Jewish Singles Conneciton - [events]
Enjoy a wonderful evening at Whole Foods Market Montrose Location. delicious food and wines and enjoying a great cooking demonstration and lecture on wines throughout the world. This will be an amazing event. as well as informative. Our last event like this was the best ever attended by the Jewish Singles Connection group and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly. Date: Thursday, 26 January, 2012 Place: Whole Foods Store. location Time: 6pm-9pm Address: 701 Waugh Drive , Houston, TX 77019 Phone: 713-284-1260 $15.00 entrance fee RSVP: Immediately, as the store needs to knows how much food and wine to serve. 50 people. houjewishsingles or Vicky Watkins at 713-294-9134