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Israeli Folk Dancing

Israeli Folk Dancing Mon 4/02 Gainesville IDanceAW


April 2012

Monday 2 April 2012

Israeli Folk Dancing

Mon 2 Apr, 7-9 pm. Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue, Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com. Israeli Dance with Andrew Weitzen - [dept][events]

Israeli Folk Dancing on Tuesday nights. Beginners from 7:30 to 8:30. Intermediate 8:30 to 9:15. Partner dancing 9:15 to 10:00. Enjoy this fun class with exuberant dancing. Expand your social life, make new friends, have new experiences, get some exercise and build your confidence. Enjoy wonderful music, a taste of Israeli cultural and have a great time. $7 per family, $4 age 22 and under, free age 18 and under.
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