

June 2011

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Jewish Professional Networking Group

Wed 15 Jun, 5:30-7 pm. Please RSVP by calling 603-496-2897 or emailing cherylh. Meeting at Z Food and Drink in Manchester. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. 10. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Sunday 26 June 2011

Israeli Folk Dancing in the Merrimack Valley

Sun 26 Jun. Jewish aerobics - good for the body and the spirit. Join us for Israeli Folk Dancing every Sunday, 7:00-8:15 pm at 1600 Osgood Street, North Andover (Osgood Landing, South Entrance). Open to all ages and levels, beginners welcome, no partner needed. $2 per person. For more information, contact Anne Schwartz, aschwartzm. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

YLD Sunday on the Beach

Sun 26 Jun, 10 am. 10am, We will meet at the Federation building and drive together. Please bring a dairy or vegetarian dish to share for lunch. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

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