

December 2010

Thursday 23 December 2010

Celebrate the New Year with Dor Shalom in Israel

Thu 23 Dec to Sun 2 Jan 2011. 851 N. Maitland Avenue, Maitland, 32751. Nancy Ludin, (407) 645-5933 x239, nancyl@orlandojewishfed.org. Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando - [events]

Thursday, December 23, 2010 | 12:00 PM to 12:00 PM Please see Dor Shalom tab under "Get Involved" on our homepage (www.o.) for more details on flight, hotel, excursions, cost and online registration. Time: 12:00 PM to 12:00 PM Expected Attendance: 30 Location: Contact: sbaumsteino.
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