

July 2011

Friday 1 July 2011

Celebrate Shabbat w/Jewish Fellowship of Chester County

Fri 1 Jul, 6:30-8 pm. 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 19103. Andrea Adler Hershman, 215-832-0500, ahershman@philafederation.org. Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia - [events]

The Jewish Fellowship of Chester County, an independent, unaffiliated evolving community, welcomes you. Join us for a short, upbeat, musical service to welcome Shabbat, followed by a potluck veggie/fish/dairy dinner. The service is accessible by people of all ages and backgrounds. Time: 06:30 to 08:00 Expected Attendance:30 Location: The Farmhouse at Temenos, 685 Broad Run, West Chester, PA, 19380, Phone: 484-947-6806 , thejfcc www.C. Contact: Elyse Seidner-Joseph, Phone: 484-947-6806 thejfcc www.C.
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