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VIntage Waltz Brunch

VIntage Waltz Brunch Sun 3/18 Gainesville Waltz


March 2012

Sunday 18 March 2012

VIntage Waltz Brunch

Sun 18 Mar, 10:30 am-1:30 pm. Gainesville Dance Association, 308 B. W University Avenue. Up stairs, Gainesville, 32605. Joyce Thompson -- Don Page, J-352-371-8054 -- D-352-377-1918, thompsj@gmail.com. $10, $5 students. Vintage Waltz - [events]

Typically held the 3rd Sunday of each month the morning after the 3rd Saturday contra dance. All levels and novices dancers welcome. Partner not required. Bring a dish to share, if you like. No band scheduled for this month. Door usually open by 10:15. Brunch beginning 10:30 until the food is gone. Sometimes we do a lesson from 11:00 - 11:30. We provide coffee, water. Bring what you like if we don't have it. Experienced dancers will often help new dancers if asked during the dance. Then 11:30 -1:30 pm: Vintage Waltz Dancing. Wear soft-soled shoes for dancing. Park down stairs under the building, or if the Seigle Bldg. W. or N. lot., get a parking pass up stairs for your cars dash or risk getting towed.
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