Kol Nidre Service Fri 10/07 Cambridge KB
Yom Kippur Family Service Sat 10/08 Cambridge KB
Yom Kippur Adult/Teen Service Sat 10/08 Cambridge KB
Sunday School Open House Sun 10/16 Cambridge KB
Humanistic Adult Sunday Service Sun 10/16 Cambridge KB
Sukkot Celebration Sun 10/16 Cambridge KB


October 2011

Friday 7 October 2011

Kol Nidre Service

Fri 7 Oct, 7:30-9:30 pm. Congregation Kahal Braira is a welcoming community of Secular Humanistic Jews and their families in the Boston area. Visitors are welcome. No ticket is required, but a donation is requested. More info: communityofchoice dot org. Arlington First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Free, donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

Saturday 8 October 2011

Yom Kippur Family Service

Sat 8 Oct, 10-11 am. Secular Humanistic service appropriate for families with children of all ages. Visitors are welcome. No ticket is required, but a donation is requested. More info: communityofchoice dot org. Arlington First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Free, donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

Yom Kippur Adult/Teen Service

Sat 8 Oct, 12-1 pm. Secular Humanistic service appropriate for adults and teens. Childcare is available for this service with advance reservation - call 617-628-3986. No ticket is required, but a donation is requested. More info: communityofchoice dot org. Arlington First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Free, donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

Sunday 16 October 2011

Sunday School Open House

Sun 16 Oct, 9 am-12 pm. Pre-school to 7th grade. Visit children's classes and the adult program. Meet the principal and teachers. Learn about our bar/bat mitzvah program and teen activities. Stay for our Sukkot celebration and picnic lunch. RSVP 617-969-4596. 765 Concord Avenue, Fresh Pond, (Share building w/ Fayerweather School), Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

Humanistic Adult Sunday Service

Sun 16 Oct, 9:15 am-12 pm. Join us for a humanistic Jewish service, followed by a lecture from Dr. Paula Doress-Worters, who will be speaking about Ernestine Rose, the 2011 Humanist of the Year who served as a mentor to both Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. 765 Concord Avenue, Fresh Pond, (Share building w/ Fayerweather School), Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

Sukkot Celebration

Sun 16 Oct, 12-2 pm. Bring your lunch and picnic in a Sukkah that you help to construct and decorate. KB will provide beverages and dessert . There will be crafts, music, storytelling, and a short service explaining the Sukkot tradition. More info communityofcoice dot com. 765 Concord Avenue, Fresh Pond, (Share building w/ Fayerweather School), Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

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