

January 2012

Friday 6 January 2012

Early Shabbat Service & Dinner

Fri 6 Jan, 5:30 pm. Temple Israel of Dover 5:30 PM Tot Shabbat program, 6:00PM pot-luck dinner, and at 7:00 PM Shabbat Service. All are welcome to celebrate with Temple Israel of Dover. No cost for the event and RSVP's appreciated. Those with January birthdays and anniversaries will be recognized at the service. Contact templeoffice for more information. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Saturday 7 January 2012

Understanding Judaism

Sat 7 Jan, 2:30 pm. Temple Israel of Dover A discussion and study program free to all participants. This program will be held in Durham as a cooperative program between Temple Israel of Dover and UNH Hillel. Contact templeoffice for more information. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Sunday 8 January 2012

Brotherhood's Candidate's Breakfast

Sun 8 Jan. Sunday, January 8, 2012 Brotherhood's Candidate's Breakfast 9am Temple Adath Yeshurun, Manchester. A traditional stop on the campaign trail, please come to listen and learn from those candidates who are present. Final list still evolving. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Thursday 12 January 2012

Shoah Holocaust Seminar

Thu 12 Jan. Thursday, January 12, 2012 10-week Shoah/Holocaust seminar Congregation Betenu, 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst, NH. Have you ever wondered? Why did the Nazis want to kill the Jews in particular? How did people become mass murderers during the Shoah? What were the dilemmas facing the Jewish leadership during the Shoah? How did the local population respond to the murder of the Jews? Why didn't the Allies bomb Auschwitz? How did Christian denominations respond to the Shoah? Where was G-d during the Shoah? Has the world recovered from the trauma of the Shoah? Is anti-Semitism an eternal phenomenon?. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [more][events]

Saturday 14 January 2012

Kabbalah Study Group with Eitan Zeira

Sat 14 Jan, 12:45 pm. Congregation Betenu FREE Join in a study and discussion based on Aryeh Kaplan's book, "Inner Space." Info: betenu; (603) 886-1633. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Understanding Judaism

Sat 14 Jan, 2:30 pm. Temple of Israel of Dover A discussion and study program free to all participants. This program will be held in Durham as a cooperative program between Temple Israel of Dover and UNH Hillel. Contact templeoffice for more information. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Jewish Professional Networking

Wed 18 Jan, 5:30-7 pm. Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Jewish Professional Networking 5:30 - 7 PM at Z Food and Drink More information: Cheryl Boyarsky, boyarskyct. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Saturday 21 January 2012

Understanding the Hebrew Calendar

Sat 21 Jan, 10:30 am. Temple Israel of Dover All are welcome to study the Hebrew calendar system as a special program in our weekly Shabbat morning experiences. Free to all participants. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Understanding Judaism

Sat 21 Jan, 2:30 pm. Temple Israel of Dover A discussion and study program free to all participants. This program will be held in Durham as a cooperative program between Temple Israel of Dover and UNH Hillel. Contact templeoffice for more information. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

Thursday 26 January 2012

JFNH Calling Night

Thu 26 Jan. Join us for a mini "Super Sunday" night. We'll have a light supper at 6pm followed by calling at 7pm. Please RSVP to info or 627-7679 if you would like to volunteer. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679, office@jewishnh.rog. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [events]

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