

March 2011

Sunday 6 March 2011

Federation's Shalom Jacksonville Jewish Java - Clay

Sun 6 Mar, 6:30-8 pm. 8505 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, 32217. Alan Margolies, Executive Director, 904-448-5000, alanmickey@aol.com. Jacksonville Jewish Federation - [events]

Join us the first Sunday of every month in Clay for a nosh and some schmoozing with new neighbors and longtime residents. Jewish Java is a program of Federation's Shalom Jacksonville program - the official welcome wagon for Northeast Florida. Live in another area of town? Check our Java calendar for other locations and dates. Time: 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM Location: Panera Bread (Flemming Island), 1510 County Road 220, Flemming Island, FL, 32003, www. Contact: Isabel Balotin, Phone: 904-448-5000 904-448-5000 x206 shalomjax
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