March 2012
Saturday 17 March 2012
Sat 17 Mar to Sun 25 Mar. More information: Jewish Federation of New Hampshire, office, (603) 627-7679 . 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [email][events]
Wednesday 21 March 2012
Wed 21 Mar, 5:30-7 pm. 5:30 - 7 PM at Z Food and Drink More information: Cheryl Boyarsky, boyarskyct. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [email][events]
Thursday 29 March 2012
Thu 29 Mar. 7 PM, Jewish Federation of NH, Manchester. More information: office or (603) 627-7679 . 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [email][events]