
Lindy Swing Dancing 101

Gainesville Dance Association

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Swing: Lindy, West Coast - Dance

Sun 13 Nov 2011
Lindy Swing Dancing 101 Sun 11/13 Gainesville GDA


November 2011

Sunday 13 November 2011

Lindy Swing Dancing 101

Sun 13 Nov, 6-7 pm. Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue, Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com. Gainesville Dance Association - [events]

Four week series introducing you to Lindy Swing dancing starting October 30 and running for four Sundays from 6 to 7 pm. No partner and no dance experience needed. We will rotate partners, but you will not be required to rotate. This class is designed for the new dancer and will be slow and easy. This class is offered through Santa Fe College Community Education. Registration opens October 12 on this page dept./ce/. Lindy is the mother of all Swing dances. When you learn Lindy, you will be able to do any other kind of Swing dance. If you take this class, you can stay for the following Lindy and Hustle classes on the same night and come to Israeli Dancing on Monday at B'nai Israel at no additional charge.
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