Lindy Swing Dancing then Hustle Sun 6/03 Gainesville GDA


June 2012

Sunday 3 June 2012

Lindy Swing Dancing then Hustle

Sun 3 Jun, 6-9:30 pm. Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue, Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-7121, publish@gainesvilledance.com. Gainesville Dance Association - [events]

6 to 7 Lindy swing lesson for beginners. 7 to 8:30 Lindy swing lesson and dancing for experienced dancers. 8:30 to 9:30 Hustle for all levels. $10 for all of Sunday night (includes Israeli dancing on Mondays). If you paid for any organized dancing during the week, Sunday night is only $7 students. $5 students.

Sunday night schedule is:

6:00 - 7:00 Lindy Swing dancing for new dancers. No dance experience needed.

7:00-8:30 Lindy Swing dancing for intermediate to advanced. This is for people with some dance experience.

8:30-9:30 Hustle for all levels, lesson and dancing. Some dance experience helpful.

No partner needed.

The sessions are structured with simple lessons and a lot of dance time, so you do get to dance. We rotate partners every dance, so you get to dance the same amount as everyone else. Rotating is not required.

No partner needed. Some dance experience needed for the 7 pm session. If you have no organized dance experience, come to the new beginners class at 6.

Lindy is the mother of all swing dances, the simplest, most varied and most versatile. When you know Lindy, you can expand your repetoire and dance to any swing music on any size floor, no matter how crowded.

Hustle is from the Disco of the 1970s, with a heart pounding (not loud, but steady) beat that keeps you in constant motion. Guaranteed to get your endorphins flowing, keep you smiling and build up your stamina. Among the most exhilirating of social dances.

Cost: $10 for all of Sunday night. $5 for full time students. Includes Israeli Dancing on Monday night at no additional charge.

Special program, the More You Dance the More You Save.

Attend 1 other organized dance session during the prior week and Sunday night is only $7.
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