

April 2012

Sunday 22 April 2012

Memorial Ceremony for Six Million Jewish Martyrs

Sun 22 Apr. 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 19103. Andrea Adler Hershman, 215-832-0500, ahershman@philafederation.org. Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia - [events]

Annual Memorial Ceremony and pre-Ceremony Conversation with Survivors The date for next year's Memorial Ceremony for Six Million Jewish Martyrs will take place on April 22, 2012. Since 1964 the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia has sponsored this ceremony in partnership with the Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. It is held at the Monument to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs at 16th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Preceding the Ceremony, we invite 7-12 grade students to the "Dorothy Freedman Memorial Conversation with a Survivor" program.
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