

March 2014

Sunday 30 March 2014

Argentine Tango Workshop with Oscar Casas for All Levels

Sun 30 Mar, 12:30-10 pm. The Movement, 1212 N Main Street, Gainesville, 32605. Steve Littler, Sarah Bollinger, sl@stevelittler.com. Tango El Abrazo Milonga - [events]

Workshops from 12:30 to 3:45 and again 5:15 to 6:45. Milonguita and show from 6:45 to 10. This is for all levels of dancers, beginners to advance. Take this rare chance to enjoy a day of learning, dancing and entertainment with Oscar Casas.

We are very proud to announce three very special workshops in
Gainesville with the world famous and very popular teacher from Buenos
Aires, Oscar Casas. There are hundreds of his class summary videos and
performances from all over the world on his YouTube channel

He has a unique and elegant style of dancing distilled from dozens of
grand maestros of Tango in Buenos Aires and he enthusiastically and
humorously shares these secrets of how to dance with his students.

You can travel and take classes with him at the famous milonga El Beso
in Buenos Aires, or take advantage now to study with him right here in
Gainesville on March 30, 2014.


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Workshop #1 TBA All Levels
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm Workshop #2 TBA All Levels

Break from 3:45 pm until 5:15 pm

5:15 pm - 6:45 pm Workshop #3 TBA All Levels
6:45 pm - 10:00 pm Milonguita and show

Cost: $30/workshop or $75 for all three, $15 for milonguita & show

More background on Oscar:

Oscar was born in Parque Patricios, a well-known tango barrio in Buenos
Aires. His parents were avid tango dancers, and, in the 1950's and
'60's, they organized three different milongas per week, which regularly
drew in 400-500 dancers. Oscar was very much influenced by his father,
both by osmosis and discussion. He absorbed the code (codigo) of the
milongueros, and when he eventually decided to take up the dance
seriously, he already had a background and base that was the envy of many.

Oscar has a distinct style both in his dance and his teaching. He is
very milonguero, and is many respected by the old guard in the milongas
of BA. He is also extremely popular with his students, who are impressed
by his teaching style. He teaches with energy and humor, emphasizing
concepts, specializing in improvisation always interpreting the music
and respecting the character of the different orchestras. He is
especially interested in the dynamics and cadencia of the dance.
Everything he teaches is applicable to crowded milongas.

For more information call Steve Littler 1-352-371-6944


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