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Chanukah Celebration

Chanukah Celebration Sun 12/09 Cambridge KB


December 2012

Sunday 9 December 2012

Chanukah Celebration

Sun 9 Dec, 4-6 pm. 765 Concord Avenue, Fresh Pond, (Share building w/ Fayerweather School), Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596, shari@jimmy.harvard.edu. Donation Requested. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [events]

Hear the story of Chanukah, sing, light candles, spin the dreidel, enjoy a holiday meal with latkes. All ages. Visitors warmly welcomed, but please register ahead of time. For more information and to register: tinyurl dot com /d9seah2.
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