

November 2013

Saturday 23 November 2013

North Florida Nia Holistic Dance Workshop

Sat 23 Nov, 1:30-5:30 pm. The Movement, 1212 N Main Street, Gainesville. Sarit Sela, niagainesville@gmail.com. $30. Nia Holistic Dance with Sarit Sela - [facebook][events]

1:30-3:30pm: Nia Workshop with Trainer Gail Condrick. 3:30-4:00pm: Break, chat and snack. 4:00-5:30pm: Nia Jam. Everybody is invited. No previous experience needed. A special, 4-hour Nia event including a 2-hour workshop with Sarasota-based Nia black belt instructor and trainer Gail Condrick, followed by a 1.5-hour Nia Jam co-taught by several guest teachers from all over North Florida. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy and share Nia and to experience different teaching styles. Space is limited. Please RSVP by email no later than November 15th.
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