April 2015
Sunday 5 April 2015
Sun 5 Apr, 1:30-3:30 pm. Gaye Fifer, an enthusiastic instructor of contra-style waltz and an accomplished contra caller from Pittsburgh, will lead a special waltz workshop preceding the GODS contra dance. Gaye's instructions are clear and concise, as she is a teacher by profession. An easy smile and delightful sense of humor are part of Gaye's relaxed, pleasant style. The waltz workshop will focus on beyond-the-basic waltz steps, with an emphasis on the nuances of clear leading and aware following. The goal is to build confidence and competence while having fun. Gaye believes that waltzing is not only about fancy moves and twirls, but first and foremost, about connecting with the music and with your partner. No partner is necessary. Thelma Boltin Center, 516 NE 2nd Avenue, Gainesville. Susie, 352-466-9150, gods@godsdance.org. $10. Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society - [more][facebook][events]
Sun 5 Apr, 4-7 pm. 2:45 Waltz. 3:30 Beginners lesson, a half hour before the contra dance starts. No partner needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. Thelma Bolton Recreation Center, 516 NE 2nd Avenue, Gainesville. Susie, 352-466-9150, gods@godsdance.org. $8, $5 under 21. Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society - [godsdance][events]
Friday 10 April 2015
Fri 10 Apr, 7:30-10 pm. Melrose Art and Culture Center, #301, Hwy 26, corner of Grove Street, Gainesville. Susie, 352-466-9150, gods@godsdance.org. $8, $5 under 21. Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society - [godsdance][events]
Saturday 18 April 2015
Sat 18 Apr, 7-10 pm. 5:45 Waltz. 6:30 Beginners lesson a half hour before the contra dance starts. No partner needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor. Thelma Boltin Center, 516 NE 2nd Avenue, Gainesville. Susie, 352-466-9150, gods@godsdance.org. $8, $5 under 21. Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society - [godsdance][events]