

March 2016

Saturday 19 March 2016

Special Sping Day of English Country and Contra Dance

Sat 19 Mar, 2-7 pm. Thelma Boltin Center, 516 NE 2nd Avenue, Gainesville. Susie, 352-466-9150, gods@godsdance.org. Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society - [facebook][events]

The Gainesville Old-Time Dance Society presents a special Spring Dance event featuring caller Brooke Friendly on Saturday 19 March 2016 from 2pm until 10 pm.

An energetic double-dip afternoon of English country dances & evening of contra dancing with caller Brooke Friendly from Ashland, Oregon calling to music by Hoggetowne Fancy and the Yazoo Kickstarts

Brooke Friendly calls English country dances and contras, and is known for her clear directions and relaxed approach. She's been on staff at many dance camps and weekends in North America and England. Together with her husband Chris Sackett, Brooke has released four books of English country dances (Impropriety Vols. I — IV) and accompanying CDs with the band Roguery.

1:40 -- 2:00pm......English Country Dance lesson/workshop
2:00 — 5:00pm....English Country Dance
5:00 — 7:00pm....Dinner break
5:45 — 6:30pm....Open waltz
6:30 -- 7:00pm......Contra workshop for beginners
7:00 — 10:00pm...Contra Dance

$10 each dance, $20 for both dances

"Brooke brings an unusual number of strong qualities to her country dance teaching. These include: her passion for dancing; her strong sense of the dance, choreography, movement style and phrasing (she is a beautiful dancer); her friendly (she is well-named) yet commanding personality; her ability to convey directions concisely and clearly; and her creativity and her sense of humor and whimsy."

New dancers, and those wishing to review their dance moves or help others to do so, please attend the beginner's contra lesson from 6:40-7:00. Prior, is our social waltz, from 5:45-6:30 pm. All for one low admission.

No partner or experience is necessary. The dance is at the Thelma Boltin Center, 516 NE 2nd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601. Snacks at the break are provided by dancers. If you snack, bring one to share and a water bottle to help our planet. Childcare is provided. See our website FAQ for details. godsdance.org/?q=node%2F8

Parking is in the lot across the street and in marked spaces on adjacent streets.
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