

July 2016

Saturday 16 July 2016

Date Night 2016 Dinner Dance Fundraiser in Ocala

Sat 16 Jul, 6 pm. Silver Springs Moose Lodge, 7165 SE Maricamp Road, Ocala. Ken Ward, 352-615-0362, k.ward@mtraocala.org. $20. Marion Therapeutic Riding Association - [mtraocala][events]

6 pm Happy Hour. 7 pm Sit Down Dinner and Dancing. Dinner dance fundraiser for the Marion Therapeutic Riding Association. Please come, have fun and help us shorten our waiting list of need riders. Cash Bar. Entertainment by Gail and Allen, Keicher's Junior. Local dance pro demonstrations and a special number by The 2 Mooseketeers. Raffle. Silent auctions. Gifts.
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