

June 2016

Saturday 25 June 2016

Argentine Tango Papirusa with Beginners Milonga

Sat 25 Jun, 8-11:30 pm. Hip Moves Studio, 708 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville, 32609. Andrea Pham, pham.andrea@gmail.com. $10, $5 students. Argentine Tango Papirusa - [events]

8 to 8:30 Lesson taught by Andrea. 8:30 to 9 pm Beginners Milonga. 9 pm regular dancing. Join us for an elegant evening with beautiful tango music. Non-dancers are welcome to come watch, no charge. Bring your own drinks and snacks to enjoy the night. Water bottles are available for $1. Free parking on both sides of the building, and in the back. We look forward to welcome you all. Bring your tango and non-tango friends.
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