

March 2016

Saturday 5 March 2016

West Coast Swing Dance Social with Agnieszka Maslanka

Sat 5 Mar, 7:30-11:30 pm. The Movement, 1212 N Main Street, Gainesville, 32605. Josh Angel, 352-514-4238, joshuadancer79@gmail.com. $15, $10 students. West Coast Swing with Josh Angel - [events]

7:30 Doors open. 7:45 - 8:45 pm WCS Lesson with Agnes. 8:45 – 11:30 pm Social Dancing with DJ Josh Angel. Please join us for our first Saturday of the Month dance with special guest instructor Agnieszka Maslanka. Private lessons with Agnes available. Contact Josh to schedule one. DJ Josh will be playing all the best Blues and Contemporary WCS tunes, with a little 2 Step, ECS, Waltz, and Night Club 2 mixed in. Lite refreshments included, feel free to bring something to share.
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