

April 2017

Saturday 8 April 2017

Spring Showcase Elegant Body Pilates with Jaqueline Valdez

Sat 8 Apr, 6 pm. Elegant Body Pilates, 4003 NW 18 Place, Gainesville, 32605. Jacqueline Valdez, 352-256-2054, jvtigerito08@gmail.com. $15. Gainesville Circus Center - [events]

We will have 2 celebrity guest artists, special appearance with Derick Pierson and Jason Rex, a singer and contortionist, pole dancing and more. This will be an inspiring evening. Limited seating, raffle.

Friends, I wanted to invite you to our spring showcase. See what all the buzz is about - Gainesville's number 1 alternative fitness studio and zumba event leader.
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