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Vintage Waltz Brunch

Vintage Waltz Brunch Sun 5/21 Gainesville Waltz


May 2017

Sunday 21 May 2017

Vintage Waltz Brunch

Sun 21 May, 10:30 am-1:30 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville, 32609. Joyce Thompson 352-371-8054, Don Page 352-377-1918, thompsj@gmail.com. $10, $5 students. Vintage Waltz - [events]

Greetings vintage waltzers.

Don Page will be there by 10:15. Set up should not take too long. Rena's Ballroom has plenty of tables, chairs and other amenities to help us be very comfortable. Parking space extends east and west along the back of the studio building.

Invite a new dancer. Bring a friend. First time attendees get in free. Otherwise, $5 students. $10 adults. Please wear non-scuff shoes in the building.

Please bring a covered dish to share. Don will have the coffee on for you. Please wear non-scuff shoes in the building.

Bob has disallowed me making coffee there as he said that there is a chance doing so would trip a circuit breaker and shut down one of the air conditioners. Bob has another coffee option there that might interest you. Some have said that it is delicious.

A dance lesson is not planned. Many of our dancers will provide assistance to new or advanced dancers if asked to do so. It is that simple to get help.

Let us all do a good job cleaning up so we can keep Bob happy, smiling and welcoming us there. I think we have a new wonderful dance home.

Once again Bob. Thank you for your kindness for inviting our group to your wonderful Ballroom.
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