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Ballroom Dance in Ocala


July 2017

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Ballroom Dance in Ocala

Tue 18 Jul, 6-10 pm. Armenian Hall, 8831 SE 58th Avenue (Baseline Rd), Ocala, 34480. Pat Vollman, 352-307-8486, alltherightmovesFL@gmail.com. USA Dance Ocala - [usadanceocala][events]

6 to 7 pm Beginner lesson. 7:30 Open dancing. Our bi-weekly dance is held every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Some of them are themed to create a fun atmosphere for dancing these are only a suggestion they are not required. 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Music by Gail and Alan, The Keichers, Jr. Lesson by Ed and Louise Hanlon. Light Snacks and beverages provided. Singles and couples are welcome.

USA Dance Ocala Ballroom Dance Classes

Dancing is fun and easy. If you ever imagined learning to dance, or improving your dancing, this is the time to act. USA Dance Ocala is offering dance lessons immediately before our Tuesday dances. No partner required. Our dance instructors are Ed and Louise Hanlon, award winning champion DanceSport competitors, and Greg Nelson and
Rachel Palmieri, dance competitors and certified dance instructors. Our dance instructors will have you learning quickly and you will have fun. From now through June, the lessons will cover Latin dances, such as Cha Cha and Rumba, and Swing dances, such as East Coast Swing. All lessons will be on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, March 7th and 14th, April 4th and 18th, May 2nd and 16th, June 6th and 20th.

Package Price for Four Dance Lessons:
$25 for USA Dance members, $35 for non-members.

New USA Dance Ocala members also receive one free dance admission.

Single Drop-In Lesson Price:
$8 for USA Dance Members, $10 for non-members
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