

April 2017

Saturday 22 April 2017

Nia Holistic Movement Guest Master Workshop with Kathy Wolstenholme

Sat 22 Apr, 2:30-5 pm. Searchlight Yoga Studio, 3501 SW 2 Ave, Suite O, Gainesville. Sarit Sela, 605-796-9956, niagainesville@gmail.com. $35 by April 15, $40 thereafter. Nia Holistic Dance with Sarit Sela - [events]

Last year I had the pleasure of taking Kathy Wolstenholme's Master Class in St. Pete., and wow, what an uplifting experience it was. Kathy, based in South Africa, is a radiant and inspiring trainer, founder of Nia South Africa and creator of Neo-Juice.

I am so happy Kathy has agreed to visit Gainesville this spring, and share her knowledge and skills with us. I invite you to come and take a sip of this fantastic juice.

Bring water and a snack.

Wear anything you feel comfortable and beautiful in. The point is to feel at home and relaxed in your body, to be able to move freely, to feel good.

Expect an energy-packed yet warm, soothing and totally inspiring and enlivening experience.
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