

October 2016

Sunday 16 October 2016

Nia 101: Basics Playshop with Sarit

Sun 16 Oct, 10 am-12 pm. Stillpoint Therapy Studio (right of the main building), 2730 NW 39 Avenue, Gainesville, 32605. Sarit Sela, 605-796-9956, niagainesville@gmail.com. Nia Holistic Dance with Sarit Sela - [events]

This two-hour playshop is for anyone curious about Nia and how to get the most out of a Nia class. Learn the basic 52 Moves that make up Nia. You will get a taste of the 9 Movement Forms - from Dance to Martial Arts to Yoga - that energize Nia. Once you are comfortable with the basics, Nia class becomes a fantastic, joyful workout that busts a sweat and conditions your whole body without impact. Nia releases stress, heightens awareness and heals the body.

$15 before October 9, 2016; $20 after October 10, 2016

Please RSVP.
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