

November 2017

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Microscopic Moths and what they have to do with Hawaii's underwater islands

Tue 14 Nov, 6-7:30 pm. Prairie Creek Lodge, 7204 County Road 234, Gainesville, 32641. 352-373-1078, info@alachuaconservationtrust.org. Free. Alachua Conservation Trust - [events]

Presentation by Chris A. Johns.

Philodoria are a group of rare, microscopic moths only known from the rainforests of the Hawaiian Islands. Chris' scientific and photographic work examines the evolutionary history of these moths and what they can teach us about the world's most remote landmasses.

Chris A. Johns is a science multimedia specialist and PhD student in the Biology Department at the University of Florida, in the Kawahara Lab/Florida Museum of Natural History. He is also a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and National Geographic Explorer.
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