March 2018
Saturday 10 March 2018
Sat 10 Mar to Sun 11 Mar, 12:30-11 pm. Rosa B Williams Dance Center, 524 NW 1st Street, Gainesville, 32606. Steve Littler, 352-226-1103, sl@stevelittler.com. Tango El Abrazo Milonga - [milongaelabrazodegainesville][events]
On March 10-11, 2018 we welcome back to Gainesville the very popular teachers Jorge Mendoza, Anabel Saldaña Martinez, and baby tanguero Ignacio from Buenos Aires.
These friendly and exciting teachers were discovered by our own Thuy Carroll on one of her trips to Buenos Aires and she loved them so much she invited them to come teach in the U.S. Last May they came for the first time and were a big hit and toured many cities in Florida. Last August Jorge was also a judge at the World Championships in Buenos Aires.
They are noted for their elegant and musical style of dancing close embrace, and their unique teaching methodology bringing high level technical concepts to social dancers using simple and easy to understand explanations, training drills and demonstrations. After they left here last year, the overall level of social dancing in Gainesville was noticeably higher with many improved postures, embraces, walking and musicality at the milongas. Be sure to book a private lesson with them.
So save these dates on your calendar now and stay tuned for the titles of the new workshops to be announced (TBA).
Jorge & Anabel Tango Workshops Schedule
Saturday March 10, 2017
Basic Codes to Generate an Ideal Connection I
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm: Registration:
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: W/S 1. – $25/$15 Students
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: W/S 2. – $25/$15 Students
Break for dinner
Registration for evening 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Special Pre-milonga class with Jorge & Anabel – $15/$10 Students
8:00 pm – 11:00 pm: $15/$10 Students
Milonga El Abrazo de Gainesville with Special Exhibition with Jorge & Anabel (9:30 performance.)
Sunday March 11, 2017
Basic Codes to Generate an Ideal Connection II
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm: Registration:
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: W/S 3. – $25/$15 Students
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: W/S 4. – $25/$15 Students
Costs Summary
1 – Workshop: – $25/$15 Students
2 – Workshops: – $45/$25 Students
4 – Workshops: – $85/$45 Students
Pre-milonga Class: – $10/$10 Students
Milonga only: – $15/$10 Students
Pre-milonga class + Milonga: – $25/$15 Students
All Saturday Pass: $70/$40 Students
Full Weekend Pass (4 – Workshops + Pre-milonga Class + Milonga): – $110/$65 Students
Private lesson: $100/hr paid to the guest instructors.
Call Thuy Carroll to schedule at 352-281-0733.