

April 2017

Saturday 8 April 2017

Argentine Tango Weekend Workshops and Milonga El Abrazo with Judy and Jon

Sat 8 Apr to Sun 9 Apr. The Movement, 1212 N Main Street, Gainesville, 32605. Steve Littler, 352-226-1103, sl@stevelittler.com. Tango El Abrazo Milonga - [facebook][events]

International Argentine tango masters Judy and Jon relocated to Las Vegas in 2013 after 10 years working as tango professionals in Buenos Aires.

During the years they lived in Buenos Aires they acquired a profound understanding of the dance, history, culture, and music of the Tango. In Buenos Aires they performed regularly on stage and at famous Buenos Aires milongas including Sunderland, Salon Canning, Porteno y Bailarin, Gricel, Sin Rumbo, La Baldoza, La Ideal and La Nacional.

They were on the teaching staff of prestigious tango schools: Torquato Tasso, La Ideal, and Academia Tanguera.

Judy and Jon are esteemed for their connection and impeccable technique. Jon is known for his elegance, connection, sentimiento, and musicality. Judy is admired for her embellishments and beautiful footwork. They teach and perform traditional Argentine Tango de Salon social and exhibition style based in their own Tango Verdad Method.

Judy and Jon are the only north American couple ever to have been awarded by the Secretary of Culture of the city of Buenos Aires the P’a Que Bailen Los Muchachos award, recognizing them as authentic Argentine Tango dancers, teachers, performers and milongueros.

From their base in Las Vegas Judy and Jon tour the world to teach and perform at special workshops and events.

Judy and Jon's Signature Workshops:

Workshop 1. This Is Tango: A Secret Danced By Two: Two bodies move as one in an infinite embrace

Saturday April 8 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm – $25

Workshop 2. Dancing Pugliese On The Social Dance Floor: Great body lines and grand steps for a dramatic orchestra taken to the social floor.

Saturday April 8 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm – $25

Special pre-milonga class: 8:00 - 9:00 with Judy and Jon – $10
Turns In The Line of Dance: The Long and Short of It

Saturday April 8 9:00 pm - Midnight: Milonga El Abrazo with special performance by Judy and Jon

Workshop 3. Interpreting D'Arenzo & Di Sarli: Two different orchestras. One with driving rhythm, the other melodic, and how to dance to them.

Sunday April 9 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm – $25

Workshop 4. Milonga Rhythms, Technique & Tricks:

Sunday April 9 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm – $25

$25 per workshop, or
$90 ($80 registered college students) if taking all 4

Milonga and Pre-milonga Class are additonal $10 each.

All activities held at the Movement Studio.

Organizer: El Stevito, Steve Littler
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