

November 2017

Saturday 11 November 2017

Cedar Key Climate Conference & John Muir 150th Anniversary Trek

Sat 11 Nov, 9 am-5 pm. Cedar Key Community Center, Cedar Key. Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, 386-454-1542, merrillee.malwitz-jipson@sierraclub.org. Sierra Club Florida Gainesville - [sierraclub][events]

Can we save Cedar Key before it's too late? The tiny coastal island off Florida's Big Bend is a historic gem but is also one the most-threatened Florida coastal islands in the face of climate change and sea level rise. This conference presents experts on Cedar Key past and present, coastal adaptation planning, historic preservation, conservation, tourism and development priorities, disaster response and much more. If you live or work on or near a coastal island, this conference is for you.

9:00 Opening: Moderator: Frank Jackalone
9:15 Kathryn Frank, UF Urban and Regional Planning Department
Introduction to sea level rise, coastal hazards, and adaptation planning in Cedar Key

9:45 Morris (Marty) Hylton, UF Historic Preservation Program
Cedar Key flood simulation video and historic documentation using 3D laser scanning and GIS

10:45 Michael Volk, UF Landscape Architecture Department
Sea level rise impacts across Cedar Key and the landscape, development projections, conservation priorities

11:15 Kristin Buckingham and Jennifer Krouchick, masters students in UF Urban and Regional Planning
Documenting Cedar Key’s informal emergency preparedness and disaster response procedures

11:40 Belinda Nettles, doctoral candidate in UF Urban and Regional Planning
Possible hazard mitigation and adaptation strategies for historic and cultural resources

12:00 Lunch provided

1:00 Heath Davis, Mayor of Cedar Key
Stories of coastal change and Cedar Key’s history (such as changes at 3rd Street dock)

1:15 Sue Colson, Cedar Key City Council
Flooding and impacts from Hurricane Hermine 2016
City strategies for coastal hazard mitigation and adaptation to sea level rise (incl. City Hall, bridge, power lines), economic vitality, and quality of life

1:45 John McPherson, Cedar Key Water and Sewer District

Water infrastructure strategies (incl. stormwater and wastewater systems)

2:00 Guided walking tour beginning at the Community Center

Guides: Mark Clark UF Soil and Water Science, Sue Colson, and others. Visit G Street erosion and living shoreline, G Street low-lying manhole, solar panels, clams carbon sequestration, and more

2:45 Return to Community Center, break

5:00 –8:00 Clambake dinner with cash bar, and entertainment by Anna White Hodges. Separate charge of $15.00. A Cash Bar of beer, wine and water will be available

November 11

John Muir 150th Anniversary of Travels in Florida johnmuirphoto

Cedar Key Community Center

9:00—9:15 Opening: Moderator Frank Jackalone

9:15—10:00 John Muir in Florida, Merald Clark

10:00—10:30 Lime Key, Amy Gernhardt, Executive Director, Cedar Key Historical Society

10:30—11:15 Sarah Hodgson Property, Andrea Dennison

11:15—Noon Muir’s 1867 Illness: Typhomalaria, Dr. Rob Norman

Noon—1:00 Lunch provided

Cedar Key Museum State Park

1:00—1:30 Travel to the Museum

1:30—1:45 Re-Dedication of John Muir Historical Marker – Florida Chapter Sierra Club

1:45—2:00 Tour the State Park Museum, Merald Clark

2:00—3:15 Deuteronomy Clark’s Memories of Muir, including discussion at the end

Cedar Key Historical Society Museum

4:30—6:00 Social time at the Cedar Key Historical Society Museum sponsored by the Suwannee – St. Johns Group, Sierra Club and the Cedar Key Historical Society. No charge.
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