

April 2017

Saturday 1 April 2017

West Coast Swing Dance with Danielle Blouin Oates

Sat 1 Apr, 7:30-11:30 pm. The Movement, 1212 N Main Street, Gainesville, 32605. Josh Angel, 352-514-4238, joshuadancer79@gmail.com. $15, $10 students. West Coast Swing with Josh Angel - [events]

Please join us for an extra foolish 1st Saturday of the Month West Coast Swing (WCS) dance with guest instructor Danielle Blouin Oates, who will be teaching an April Fools themed lesson.

We will also be handing out a prize for the wackiest outfit. So bring the craziest-funniest-weirdest-most-eye-straining-est outfit (not costume mind you, we are talking about weird articles of cloting, not masks) and you could walk away with a nifty prize.

Danielle Blouin Oates - Instructor, Josh Angel - DJ, Judi - Hostess.

1 hour WCS lesson with Danielle, followed by a WCS social dance with a little 2 Step, ECS, Waltz, and Night Club 2 thrown in.

7:30pm Doors Open
7:45 - 8:45pm April Fools themed lesson w/ Danielle
8:45 -11:30pm Social Dance with DJ Josh Angel
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