

February 2017

Friday 17 February 2017

Black and White Night Dance with Nick and the Swingtastics

Fri 17 Feb, 8-11 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville, 32601. RIck, 352-317-2357, renasballroom1@gmail.com. Rena's Ballroom - [events]

ive music, dancing, food and fun times to remember with your host, Bob de Rochemont to greet you. Awesome and entertaining music.

Reservations are recommended.
Seating is limited.
Admission $15 at the door, $12 in advance.
$45 reserves a table for 4.
Call to reserve your seat.

Complimentary red, white and chocolate wine or BYOB.
Heavy hors d'oeurvres and decadent desserts.
Door prizes and special prize for best dressed.
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