

November 2020

Thursday 5 November 2020

Nia Holistic Movement with Sarit

Thu 5 Nov, 5:30 pm. Thomas Center Gardens, Gainesville. Sarit Sela, 605-796-9956, niagainesville@gmail.com. Nia Holistic Dance with Sarit Sela - [events]

You are invited to join free Nia movement classes, benefiting YOU and Bread of the Mighty Food Bank. Everyone’s welcome!

RSVP and class info in the original post 1st comment.

Nia Gainesville is feeling joyful at Thomas Center Gardens Gainsville.

3 weekly free Nia classes at Thomas Center Gardens

Tuesday, Thursday @ 5:30 pm
Sunday @ 10 am

Everyone welcome ?? Donations to Bread of the Mighty food bank are encouraged.

RSVP & class cancellations/announcements on google.doc ~ see 1st comment.
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