

August 2020

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Ballroom Dancing with Ray and Eileen - East Coast Swing for Couples

Tue 4 Aug, 7-8 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville. Eileen Paris, parris@parrisdance.com. Ballroom Dancing with Parris Dance - [parrisdance][events]

Starting with basics. Must wear a mask when dancing. Social distancing will be followed between couples. Cost is $24/couple per class. Limit of 8 couples.

As usual, wrapped refreshments and drinks available but feel free to bring your own snacks as well.

You must RSVP.

Masks are required to be worn when dancing. We will be taking temperatures when you arrive. Anyone with a temp over 100.4 will not be allowed to attend. You may not attend if you've been around anyone with covid-19 in the last 2 weeks. We do recommend continued washing and sanitizing of hands often.

Please Read

We have an Assumption of Risk Disclaimer.

I understand and agree to these conditions for participation at Parris Dance or Rena's Ballroom dance events: Dance is a physical activity that includes close physical contact with other participants. Like all such physical activities, dance carries some degree of risk. Parris Dance or Rena's Ballroom cannot be held liable and is not responsible for injuries or illnesses sustained by persons attending any dance event. Persons attending the event do so at their own risk.
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