

February 2007

Sunday 4 February 2007

Pre-Superbowl Perambulation at Sope Creek

Sun 4 Feb, 3:30 pm. Sope Creek at Cochran Shoals Park, Atlanta. Debbie and Chuck Bethea, 770-850-0197C D: 770-714-9348/C823-3684, dpsbethea@hotmail.com. free mem $5 non mem. Atlanta Young Adult Division - [events]

Comfortable shoes. Wather appropriate clothes. Water. Dogs: Yes, on leash (but not allowed at the Superbowl party, so plan ahead) Cost: Free for members $5 for non-member or join today for $20. $3 parking fee unless you have a pass. Call for directions (If you are coming to the party, Debbie will provide directions from there to her house)
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