Ongoing Sundays, 2-6 pm. Beginners are always welcome; no partner or experience required. Casual dress. We provide music in a variety of genres and speeds, and dance many styles of waltz. Lesson from 2-3pm. Waltzing from 3-6pm. Knights of Columbus Ballroom, 2620 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, 30324. Jay Aland, 404-210-4604. $7. Atlanta Waltz Society - [splittree][email][events]
Ongoing Sundays, 6:30 pm. This weekly class covers the people, places, and events of each weekly portion as well as the essential ideas and concepts in each portion. This class is discussion style, lively, and participatory. Call to register or for more info. The Dome, Tilly Mill Rd (across from the JCC), Dunwoody. 404-321-4085. free. Atlanta Scholars Kollel - [events]
Ongoing Sundays, 7-10 pm. Official club night at Reunions. Dance from 7-10pm. Admission to the dance is $3 members, $5 nonmembers. Lessons from 5-7pm. Lesson Fee - $10 for ASDC members, $15 for others. No partner necessary. Reunions--Marriott ATL Perimeter Center, 246 Perimeter Center Parkway NE, Atlanta, 30358. Seth Pratt. Atlanta Swing Dancers Club - [atlantaswingdancers][email][events]
Ongoing Mondays. Bring your own team or come by yourself and join the fun. Great fun, great people. Cost includes shoes, ball and soda each week and a 35 free game pass each week as well as a pizza party the last week. Brunswick Cedar Creek Lanes, 2749 Delk Rd., Marietta, Atlanta. $12 ea. week. Hillels of Georgia - [atlantayad][email][events]
Ongoing Mondays, 6:30-10 pm. Beginner and intermediate level dancing with Avital from 6:30-8pm. Advanced dancing & requests with Meliss from 8-10pm. Mostly circle-, some line-, occasional couples dances. Contact us with your comments, questions & dance requests. Marcus JCC Zaban Park, 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, 30338. Meliss Bachar, (770) 241-6914. $5. Israeli Folk Dance with Meliss - [rikudatlanta][email][events]
Ongoing Mondays, 7-8 pm. Bingo at the Breman 3 people are need each week, but you can rotate and go as often as you'd like. If you're interested in being added to the volunteer list please email Zoe Levine at zoel or Erica Silverman at ericas. 1767 Haygood Drive, Atlanta, 30322. Zoe Levine, 404-727-6490. Hillels of Georgia - [wbjh][email][events]
Ongoing Wednesdays, 7:30 pm. The text covers such topics as: the soul, the afterlife, angels, heavenly judgement, and much more. This text study is open to all levels and Hebrew proficiency is not required. Call to register or for more info. The Dome, Tilly Mill Rd (across from the JCC), Dunwoody. 404-321-4085. free. Atlanta Scholars Kollel - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 7 pm. Free basic shag lesson from 7-8pm. Dancing from 8pm-12am. Best dance floor in Atlanta. Cash prizes for club members. A different guest DJ each week. Marriott Perimeter Center, 246 Perimeter Center, Atlanta. Joe Woodie, 770-457-4629. SHAGatlanta - [shagatlanta][email][events]
Ongoing Other. This exhibit parallels the development of two democratic nations, the United States and Israel. For information on booking school, religious or civic groups for a tour of the exhibit, call 354-9444. J.E.A., 5111 Abercorn Street, Savannah. Jewish Educational Alliance - [events]
Ongoing Other. Partnership Dancing(tm) the first and only method of unambiguously communicating every step in every social dance. This extraordinary replacement for Lead and Follow is transforming people's understanding of social partner dance communication. Super simple to understand, using only 3 rules and 3 signals. Explained in an easy to remember framework of ABCD. Accelerate your progress. Dance safely, without tension and free from injury. Improvise to music. Be more confident and popular. The most important advance in social dancing since men and women started dancing together. Atlanta. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-2378. Partnership Dancing(tm) - [email][events]
Ongoing Other. Join children and parents all over the country in commemorating the Holocaust through art. Sharing the theme of “I Never Saw Another Butterfly,” a poem written by a child in the Terezin concentration camp, The Butterfly Project encourages children around the world to make their own butterflies. Each of the items made at The Breman will be shipped to the Houston Holocaust Museum, which plans to collect 1.5 million handmade butterflies in order to create a permanent exhibition honoring the children who perished. Art materials will be provided. 1440 Spring St. NW, (at 18th & Spring), Atlanta, 30309. Rebecca Brown, 404-870-1630. The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum - [email][events]