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New Beginner II

New Beginner II Wed 3/18 Portsmouth Seacoast Bal


March 2009

Wednesday 18 March 2009

New Beginner II

Wed 18 Mar, 7 pm. 95 Brewery Lane, Portsmouth Athletic Club, Portsmouth, 03801. Fred and Elizabeth Dunn, 603-502-3267, frednliz@gwi.net. Seacoast Ballroom - [events]

Beginner II-V Continuation with Waltz, Swing, Foxtrot. Rumba and Cha Cha are added. Venue: The Spinnaker Point Field House is located on Spinnaker Way, Portsmouth, NH. Take 95 to Exit 7. Take Market Street away from Downtown Portsmouth (take a Left if coming from points south and take a Right if coming from Maine). Take your second right which is Spinnaker Way. The Field House is on your right. A parking lot is available just past the Field House.
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