Ongoing Sundays. Sundays Learn about the weekly Torah portion 10:00 am over bagels and lox. 7 Camelot Place, Manchester, 03104. Levi Krinsky, Rabbi, 603-647-0204. Chabad/Lubavitch of New Hampshire - [email][events]
Ongoing Sundays, 9 am. 66 Salmon Street, Manchester, 03104. Jacob Rosner, Rabbi, 6036226171. Temple Israel Manchester - [email][events]
Ongoing Sundays, 9:30 am-12:30 pm. There is a half-hour music class with the students learning the Shabbat liturgy as well as traditional Israeli folk songs. For more information, contact Mrs. Blotcky. 5 Northern Blvd., #1, Amherst, 03031. Joshua Segal, 6038861633. Congregation Betenu - [email][events]
Ongoing Sundays, 1 pm. Since football is over, now we'll be watching favorite TV shows during the bagel brunch, like Seinfeld. Eat some bagels, have some schmear, and chill with Jews. It's late enough to wake up from the night before, and early enough to call it brunch. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. C. Robert Lester, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Sundays, 1 pm. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. C. Robert Lester, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Mondays, 9:30-11 am. This program brings together parents with their todler (newborn to 3 years) to explore the joys and frustrations of this most exciting and challenging time in a child's life. Age appropriate activities of music, art, movements, and play. Participants engage in topics relative to Judaism and child development. For more information, call Pam Battin-Sacks. 200 State Street, Portsmouth, 03801. David H. Mark, Rabbi, 603-436-5301. Temple Israel Portsmouth - [email][events]
Ongoing Mondays, 9 pm. Enjoy Israeli culture with food, fun, and more. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. C. Robert Lester, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Tuesdays. Tuesday Nights Join an inspiring class on Chassidic 8:00 pm philosophy, please call 647-0204. 7 Camelot Place, Manchester, 03104. Levi Krinsky, Rabbi, 603-647-0204. Chabad/Lubavitch of New Hampshire - [email][events]
Ongoing Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm. Classes Meet Tuesdays. Jewish History, Customs, Culture, Ethics., Torah and Prayers, Hebrew Reading and Conversation, Israeli Songs and Dances, Open Enrollment Now Interfaith Families Welcome. 39 Strawberry Hill, Bethlehem, 03574. Bernice Dinner, 6038382873. Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation - [email][events]
Ongoing Tuesdays, 6 pm. Free food, Hillel planning, and fun stuff. This is where we decide what goes on. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. C. Robert Lester, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Wednesdays. Couples Night Out Join Rabbi and Mrs. Krinsky for a "couples night out." On consecutive Wednesdays they will lead an informative class on Parsha Inside Out. Discover our Patriarchs and Matriarchs as they come alive in the weekly Torah portion. Classes will take place every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm. Please call 647-0204 for more info, and to RSVP. 7 Camelot Place, Manchester, 03104. Levi Krinsky, Rabbi, 603-647-0204. Chabad/Lubavitch of New Hampshire - [email][events]
Ongoing Wednesdays, 1-4 pm. Starbucks in Dartmouth Bookstore. Meet with fellow Jews, discuss anything, and relax with a nice cup of Starbucks Coffee. Run by our JCSC fellow, Ben Rosenbleet. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. Ben Rosenbleet, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Wednesdays, 2-4 pm. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. C. Robert Lester, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 2:15 pm. Takes place in the Tapper Room Fridays . Roth Center, 5 Occom Road, Hanover, 03755. Edward Boraz, 603-646-0460. Upper Valley Jewish Community - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 6 pm. Maariv (Evening Service). 66 Salmon Street, Manchester, 03104. Jacob Rosner, Rabbi, 6036226171. Temple Israel Manchester - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 6:15 pm. 4 Raymond Street, Nashua, 03060. Mark Finkel, Rabbi, 603-883-8184. Temple Beth Abraham - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 6:30 pm. Through the end of August. 67 Broadway, Concord, 03301. Richard Klein, Rabbi, 603-228-8581. Temple Beth Jacob - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 7 pm. Roth Center, 5 Occom Road, Hanover, 03755. Edward Boraz, Rabbi, 603-646-0460. Upper Valley Jewish Community - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 7 pm. Afterward services, there is a FREE home-cooked dinner at 8:00 pm that everyone is invited to. You can come to services and dinner, or just dinner, and you can bring as many friends as you want to the dinner, and they don't even have to be Jewish. 5 Occom Road, Roth Center, Hanover, 03755. C. Robert Lester, (603) 646-0410. Dartmouth Hillel - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 7:15 pm. 1 Hood Road, Derry, 03038. Louis Rieser, 6034320004. Etz Hayim Synagogue - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 7:30 pm. 200 State Street, Portsmouth, 03801. Temple Israel, 603-436-5301. Temple Israel Portsmouth - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 7:30 pm. 84 Hastings Avenue, Keene, 03431. Micah Becker-Klein, 6033526747. Congregation Ahavas Achim - [email][events]
Ongoing Fridays, 7:30 pm. The first Friday of each month is especially child friendly service, preceded by a pot luck, vegetarian/dairy communal diner at 6:30. On the last Friday of each month the service is one of guided meditation. 47 1/2 Fourth Street, Dover, 03820. Lev Ba'Esh, Rabbi, 603-742-3976. Temple Israel Dover - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 9 am. Shaharit, Torah Reading, and Musaf. Services are followed by a kiddish in the Klein Social Hall. 66 Salmon Street, Manchester, 03104. Jacob Rosner, Rabbi, 6036226171. Temple Israel Manchester - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 9 am. 4 Raymond Street, Nashua, 03060. Mark Finkel, Rabbi, 603-883-8184. Temple Beth Abraham - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 9:30 am. Through the end of August. 67 Broadway, Concord, 03301. Richard Klein, Rabbi, 603-228-8581. Temple Beth Jacob - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 9:30 am. 200 State Street, Portsmouth, 03801. Temple Israel, 603-436-5301. Temple Israel Portsmouth - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 10 am. 152 Prospect Street, Manchester, 03104. Barbara Borts, Rabbi, 6036695650. Temple Adath Yeshurun - [email][events]
Ongoing Saturdays, 10:15 am. Services for the older children, ages 8 to 12, but children of any age are encouraged to attend, along with their parents. 66 Salmon Street, Manchester, 03104. Jacob Rosner, Rabbi, 603-622-6171. Temple Israel Manchester - [email][events]