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V-Mail Letters to Luette


August 2009

Tuesday 25 August 2009

V-Mail Letters to Luette

Tue 25 Aug, 7 pm. 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro 03894. Mark Foynes, Director, 603-569-1212, info@wrightmuseum.org. The Wright Museum - [events]

Hal Close, Editor, V-Mail: Letters to Luette In 1945, Joe Close, a 37-year-old father of two and PR man, found himself on his way to Europe on a commission by the US Embassy to write radio reports for the Office of War Information. But they weren’t the only things he was writing from the war-front. When Close wasn’t celebrating his country, he was writing letters to his wife back home. aches to see his wife and clearly misses his young kids—but against a backdrop of a ragged new post-war Europe we see a London awakening after its bombing siege and the opening up of Germany’s concentration camps. History is rapidly unfolding and Close is there to witness it all.
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